I’m Boarding Up the Joint Until September 2, 2022

Hello everyone. As much as I hate to… I’ll be taking a small break from posting after today because of work, home projects, and just to recharge my batteries. I started this blog on September 18, 2017. I’ve been posting regularly since May 2018. WordPress has just told me that I have posted for 1,112 straight days going back to July of 2019…that needs to be broken now.

I had a few more posts scheduled to go, but I will save them for when I return. I genuinely love posting about pop culture and commenting with every one of you…if you agree with me or not. The last time I took time off I was in the hospital for a kidney stone…this time it’s my choice. Hope to see you all when I get back! I figure a good date to return would be Friday, September 2, 2022. Yep…just grabbed that out of the air! I’ll have some good posts lined up. 

I want to say a huge THANK YOU for all the comments in the past and those yet to come…that is what I like about WordPress most of all…the interaction with all of you. That makes it worth it all. 

Thank you to all my regular readers and the newer ones. I wish all of you a wonderful August! See ya in September!

I will be back soon Message Stock Photo by ©stanciuc1 67298191

Author: Badfinger (Max)

Power Pop fan, Baseball, Beatles, old movies, and tv show fan. Also anything to do with pop culture in the 60s and 70s... I'm also a songwriter, bass and guitar player.

78 thoughts on “I’m Boarding Up the Joint Until September 2, 2022”

  1. I think I speak for more than just myself when I say that while I’m going to miss you, I’m glad you’re taking a break, which sounds like is both needed and more than deserved – especially when blogging at the rate you’ve done it!

    While I can easily say for myself that writing about my favorite topic is a welcome escape hatch and has helped me keep things together more than once, it can be very time-consuming, and life is more than blogging about music. To creatively borrow from the Glimmer Twins but flip it, I know I like it, but it’s only rock & roll!

    Take care, Max, and since time flies, we’ll see you back soon! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Christian… it’s going to be more than weird not blogging on Monday morning. That’s going to be the hardest part… not talking to anyone about whatever they posted and mine. That is why I do this… but yes I need the break… of course I still have email!
      Anyway, the first days will be the hardest. Thanks for your support Christian!

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    1. Yea I think I needed this earlier….just to re-engergize me….I just started to think about it and it was inspiring lol. I’ll be kept busy though.


  2. Heh, heh, heh…slunkin’ off, are ya’?

    Yeah. You need a break. You a busy boy…no doubt.

    Funny…I came back to blogging in June 2018, after my site sat still for four years.

    Enjoy your break.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Was anyone still there after 4 years? Any regulars? I doubt it.
      Yea I do need a break but it will be like walking about with odd socks on….it will be so strange not to get on the site.


      1. Cool….on the site….you can tell it was way back. You didn’t have any like you do now?


      2. Hans started out with a co-author also…Kirk…I thought about it but I couldn’t find anyone who would.


      3. Yea that is true…I really liked that one…I liked the layout because it was easy to read.


      4. I still shout about bullshit but, I mellowed a lot, particularly when I got into photography. Fifteen years ago, I was a political animal…listened to a lot of radio talk shows, Jerry Doyle from Babylon 5 being my fave.

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      5. At that time I was listening to sports talk. I stay away from politics…except if it’s watergate….or history


      6. Yes, it will because you cannot win…it’s a losing battle.
        Hell arguing about music…even good natured is hard enough lol. I do like history though…Nixon and his penchant for reel to reel tapes lo.


      7. Speaking of recordings, gotten into the Hunter Biden debacle? The Biden crime family makes Nixon look like a boy scout. I haven’t read/heard any of it but, stuff is all over Telegram.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh I know that one!!!!! It reminds me of 1986 while working as a parts clerk in a cage! I learned the 50s and 60s songs on an oldies radio station.

      Funny….a lot of 50s music reminds me of 1985….because of a 50s school play that our band played the music for.

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      1. that makes some sense, if you listened to a lot of music from that era, it would bring bacck memories of when you listened to it. Odd thing personally is that I do remember in the mid-80s oldies stations mostly played 50s and early 60s stuff and I hated it! Now, almost 40 years later,it’s more ‘antique’ but I quite like a lot of it though I still go more for the end of the 60s and the 70s.


  3. I just completed a Monday morning ‘News on the March’ article which will feature your magnificent article / book review of Lynyrd Skynrd.
    I hope you enjoy your time off from blogging and fulfill all that you set out to do over the next month! Cheers.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Matt! I also want to thank you for your support through the years…I do appreciate it…I have a good time having conversations with you if we agree or disagree….that is whats its all about.


      1. No, thank you! The pleasure of having your friendship and involvement over the last couple of years has been a big inspiration for me. I’m just catching up on all the articles I have missed reading over the last week or so. I wish you well until you return.

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  4. If anyone deserves a WordPress vacation its you Max! Holy moly 1,112 straight days posting. You are a machine man… Good luck getting your projects done and look forward to your posts once again come the fall!
    Cheers pal!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you Deke! I appreciate your support and you have taught me a lot. As I’ve told people…stay in touch…it has nothing to do with messenger or email…I’m on them….so when you find a new album or just want to say hi…do it…I got to have some contact lol.

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  5. Take the time, EVERY day is a slog , even when you really love what you write about. Sometimes you gotta take a break. I’ve taken the odd break due to- well, as a blogger you know, feelings of ‘why bother?’ life getting in the way, lack of time, write out/writers block… But writing is a drug, or more aptly, it can be like that ol’ runners high, or nowadays a writers high; every now and then you get in the zone and it feels goooood. So, if you get a little antsy, perhaps we’ll get an earlier dose of your August writings? Otherwise, as you say, see you in September.
    I’ll look forward to ’em whenever they will arrive in my in box. Enjoy the down time.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You are right obbverse. I never took the time through the day. I work in IT so I’m glued to my phone and on the computer…sooo…”since I’m on here I might as well write.” I did this to myself.
      It IS a drug when you are in that zone.

      Most likely yes I will come back early. I’m 10 posts ahead right now…that gives me a little cushion when I return. And thank you Obbverse for the interest and support. You are someone who knows the Replacements, The Dead, and Big Star…rare indeed!

      Bruce and you have some of the best comments ever….must be a New Zealand thing!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Enjoyed the time spent and Lord the time you must have put in on the TV shows alone. When we’re stuck out in the lonely reaches of the South Pacific you have to listen to whatever music makes it here, from whatever direction. Hear ya later!

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  6. Max, I know you will enjoy your time off. We’ll all be here when you get back. Take it easy, and promise me you won’t spend your time off writing ahead on blog posts. That’s no vacation! I will miss you.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I feel like George Bailey today…people have been so kind in their comments.
      I promise I won’t….in a spare minute if inspiration hits…yea but no production line!
      I’ll miss you also…. but I’ll be here with email.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks man….I never knew he even thought about covering this song…it’s a cool version. I’ve only known the Box Tops version.
      I will dude thanks!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes…that was the This Little Girl Is Mine (and I love that song) era…right after I think… That was when I got to know him.

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