Quick Update on Martha

Some people have asked me to post an update since I posted about the new puppy we got on October 3rd…Martha…here you go. She has been the most active puppy (and the most clumsy) we have had ever. She is growing into her paws… She will walk through things rather than walk around. Everything has to go in her mouth to chew… but she is fitting in just fine.

When we got her in October I could pick her up with one arm…that is not happening now. She has much more growing to do.

Martha at 2 months old


Martha at 3 Months old


Martha at 4 Months old…Now






Author: Badfinger (Max)

Power Pop fan, Baseball, Beatles, old movies, and tv show fan. Also anything to do with pop culture in the 60s and 70s... I'm also a songwriter, bass and guitar player.

21 thoughts on “Quick Update on Martha”

    1. She is without a doubt the most curious puppy we ever had… She looks so skinny…and I don’t see how with how much she eats…between 3-5 cups some days… I remember that much with Molly…when they are adults they slow down to 1-2 cups.


      1. She sounds delightful and fun. That’s a lot of food, haha! I didn’t realize the adults were so efficient with food. 1-2 cups is how much my dogs always ate, and they have all been under 50 lbs, except for Myrtle.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I guess its because of the super growth rate at this time. I remember Molly ate us out of house and home and then when she reached an adult…it was like any other dog really.
        How big is Myrtle now?


      3. I think it’s because…a lazier dog you will not find. When adults they will play for 20 – 30 minutes and after that…left on their own …they will sleep around 14-16 hours a day. They will play more in spurts but mostly just want you petting them and your attention. The two adults we had would go to the busiest parts in the house and lay down so we would have to walk over them.
        They love sleeping and drinking water. We have a large fenced in yard and Molly would chase squirrels, drink water, and Jen would let her inside and she would plop down… that was her day until the night when Bailey and I got home.
        They do crave attention and will make you pet them. There is no ignoring them…unless they are sleeping.
        That is a nice size to handle…I’m not sure how large Martha will get…her dad is really tall.


      4. I can see why you love the Saints. That’s a great mix of energy and quiet time. Myrtle is a really fun companion, but very energetic. She does take some naps, and those are my golden moments on some days, lol.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. I know! Sometimes we need those naps as much as them. I’ve noticed Martha’s naps are lasting longer now…like 3 hours at time…but she is high energy other than that but I can see her changing as she is getting older.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh yes we love them. Martha is our 3rd one in twenty years. They are great house dogs and are very low maintenance….when they are adults.
      My mom would never let me have any animal in the house so when I grew up…I wanted a big one…I guess it was my way of rebellion lol.


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