Mood Rings

When someone says mood rings now…we think of the cheap dime store versions that are available. In 1975 they were not cheap. They were marketed as “portable biofeedback aids” and a silver one would cost $45 and a gold Mood Ring would be $250.

They supposedly could tell how the wearer was feeling…their mood. Marvin Wernick was the first to invent them but failed to patent it. Wernick got the idea when he saw a doctor use thermotropic tape on a child’s forehead. He then filled a glass shell with thermotropic liquid crystals and he attached it to a ring.

Since Wenick didn’t patent it Joshua Reynolds ended up with it and popularizing the ring. He marketed it as “portable biofeedback aids” and he made a million in a 3 month period in 1975. The company then went bankrupt because of the imitations out on the market. I had one of those imitations along with a free green finger that went with them.

They were a big fad for a while but started to die out. They never completely went away though… You can still buy them now.

Below is the color guide to see what “mood” you are in…groovy

Mood Ring Color Chart

Mood Ring Store Display


Author: Badfinger (Max)

Power Pop fan, Baseball, Beatles, old movies, and tv show fan. Also anything to do with pop culture in the 60s and 70s... I'm also a songwriter, bass and guitar player.

6 thoughts on “Mood Rings”

  1. I remember them! Around the same time, where I was anyway, ‘biorythms” were big too- newspaper would publish a chart beside the horoscope, with little sine waves, indicating your mood, energy and intellect, you were supposed to look at the graph and see on the month you were born if you were going to be smart and active or lazy and dull that day !

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